hey there
Hey there thanks for stopping by, my name is Stephanie. Your here to see if we would be a good fit together and make sure I’m not a creep haha. I have been photographing for many moons and the fact that I say many moons really does date me lol. I do my best to make all my clients feel comfortable with my experience and get them relaxed in front of the camera by giving lots of feedback. Letting you know what I see and being honest about if a pose looks odd or if you have clothing/hair out of place. Anything that gives some direction about the session is great and helpful for a client because 9/10 your already nervous about the session. So I really try to do that. I’m a storyteller. With what we create, you are able to revisit your important moments for a lifetime. I truly love photography it gives me such joy to meet new people and shoot them ( I know how cheesy that sounds but it’s the truth ).
My personal life is spent wearing jumpsuits ( oh my lanta the comfiest ) with my husband and two kiddos outside of Edmonton. We have a small hobby farm that has bees, chickens, pigs and sheep. I would love to say gardening is part of that but most years I water the weeds.